The past few days I've been trying to figure out these RSS Feeds. I think they could be really useful. I often find a site that is updated regularly, bookmark it, and think I will go back to it regularly but that rarely happens.
I had a lot of trouble setting up my feeds. I continously received the message "Invalid Feed URL". I think I have it right now. We'll see.
I was able to get the feeds into my Google Reader, but I wanted them to show up on my blog and wasn't able to. Wondered if it was because "Bloglines" was blocked at school so I used the GoogleReader.
I haven't been able to add any of my fellow participants blogs except to the Google Reader.
I agree with many of the comments. As I too thought this was very confusing and am not sure if I would do it without be "compelled" to.
I just ran across an online book club for 5th grade students. It is ran through a RSS feed. What a neat idea to use this tool for.